Working Together
Many people with disabilities have complex needs that necessitate the services of more than one specialist, such as speech therapy, orientation and mobility support, physiotherapy and home modifications to name a few. These are us ually coordinated by an Occupational Therapist.
For many people with a primary disability, for example motor neurone disease, it is the physical needs that receive the most attention, however we encounter many people who express frustration at their inability to read and write, owing to a secondary “print disability”.
Quantum Reading Learning Vision is a specialist NDIS provider and supplier of assistive technology for people with a print disability. This includes those with vision loss, but also those with cortical visual impairment, acquired brain injury, multiple sclerosis, intellectual impairment, cerebral palsy and many other conditions.
Our decades of experience, wide range of assistive technology products and expertise in the field, make us a great partner to the allied health teams. Together we assist their clients achieve their goals of greater autonomy and engagement with community.
Quantum provides “hands on” sessions to introduce allied health professionals to “print disability” and the wide range of solutions available, that are deployed in many contexts: at home, in the community, at school, and in the workplace.
Quantum has many case studies demonstrating how our experts have worked alongside Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Orientation and Mobility Specialists, delivering great outcomes for clients.
If you receive services from an Allied Health Professional, via a funding program or a private OT, and think they might benefit from our expertise, why not put them in touch
with us?