Tim Reads Again
Tim reads again
Tim lives in the country in western Victoria and has been in touch with Quantum over several years, due to his need for assistance to read his newspapers and his invoices for the family farm.
Stewart Andrews, from our Melbourne office, was able to assist Tim by reviewing the best solutions to enable Tim to perform the tasks required to suit his situation. A decision was made to trial a ClearView Speech to give Tim the best of both worlds; visual enhancements using both variable magnification and high contrast viewing, as well as the ability to listen comfortably and efficiently to his longer documents. Stewart organised the ClearView Speech to be sent by courier to Tim who was able to set it up on his desk. Once installed, Stewart talked Tim through its use over the phone and was able to explain all its features.
Tim’s wife Margaret explains in her letter to Quantum:
The quality of the screen itself is why Tim can read with it rather than on the enlarged computer screen, which he was increasingly struggling with. Something to do with high quality resolution and the ability to reverse colours etc. You cannot appreciate the difference it has made to Tim. He has gained a semblance of independence back that he was losing, and he is a different man. He is also using it to read his invoices to me when we do the farm book work and is happy about that too. He was truly beginning to hide in his shell feeling “useless” as he described it. Just as an added note. We now have Molly, a beautiful German Shepherd pup who Tim is learning to love (he is normally a Kelpie man being a sheep farmer). Molly adores Tim and sits at his feet under the table. So, she is also proving to be a distraction and added interest for him. Thank you again for your help with equipment etc for Tim to help make his life just a little easier as he deals with his vision loss.
If you would like to discuss your needs with your local Consultant, please phone us on 1300883 853