Maria's Story
Maria H is 91 years old and lives in NSW. Maria is a war widow DVA card holder, who has a very arthritic left hand which prevents her from moving a portable mag nifier over a document.
Her right hand is also affected by arthritis although not as severely, however holding a magnifier is not possible due to lack of strength in her hand.
She was referred to Quantum’s Jeff Landers by her Occupational Therapist (OT), who has utilised the experience and knowledge of Quantum to assist a number of her clients with reading aids to improve independence, and therefore their quality of life.
Some have been funded by NDIS and others by DVA or My Aged Care packages.
The solution centered around providing a desk top device that allows Maria to position the reading material under the screen / camera, so that even with her arthritis she can move the document around easily to read. Jeff tested many devices with Maria and her OT and finally
recommended the Optelec Compact 10 high definition portable magnifier.
This solution also works well for Maria’s medicine regime, as she can place her medication packets under the Compact 10 screen/camera to read them.
A good outcome for Maria was achieved through Quantum’s collaboration with her OT.