Macula Month 2023

Picture of Sydney Opera House showing distortion, where straight lines may appear wavy or bent, is a symptom of macular disease.


Quantum RLV is proud to partner with the Macular Disease Foundation Australia to raise awareness of macular disease during Macula Month in May.

Approximately one in seven Australians over 50 years old has some evidence of aged related macular disease.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic and painless disease of the macula. The macula is an area at the very centre of the retina, at the back of your eye.

It’s the most common macular disease in Australia. AMD is responsible for half of all blindness and severe vision loss in this country.

Age-related macular degeneration causes progressive loss of central vision. It does, however, leave the peripheral vision intact. This loss of central vision affects the ability to read, watch TV, and recognise faces. But, by itself, AMD doesn’t lead to total vision loss (black blindness).

For some people, AMD advances very slowly and may not impact vision. For others, AMD may
progress faster and lead to vision loss in one or both eyes.

The Macular Disease Foundation has a proud history of championing awareness of the disease which had very little recognition until about 15 years ago, when the Foundation
awareness campaigns began.

The message remains the same today as it did then-anyone over 50, especially those with a family history of macular disease, should have an eye test every two years and ensure their macula is checked. 

Last year, MDFA’s advocacy led to the rejection of a proposal to significantly cut
the Medicare rebate for eye injections by both major political parties. The rejection
of the proposed 69% Medicare cut was a major win for thousands of people
living with macular disease who rely on this treatment to maintain their sight.

Following the Medicare cut rejection, MDFA has commissioned PwC to model
the economic benefits to governments and people with macular disease if
access to treatment is improved.

We are clear in our purpose. “We want to reduce the incidence and impact of
macular disease in Australia.” said MDFA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kathy