Sybil reading with her OrCam MyEye device

We take our ability to read for granted and use this crucial skill a thousand times a day; reading, emails, documents, labels, door signs, smart phones, indicator boards…


But imagine if you could not read? How would you cope in the modern world and particularly since COVID-19 has necessitate isolation?


Accessing all the information we are presented with each day is becoming increasingly challenging for people with a vision or reading disability such as dyslexia. In employment, education and in daily life, obtaining information easily, and as we need it, is vital.


Sybil Smith from Greenfields Western Australia is a 90 year old with low vision, who has embraced technology, finding her OrCam MyEye2.0 a valuable resource whilst in isolation.


Wireless, lightweight and about the size of a finger, OrCam MyEye 2.0’s breakthrough assistive technology instantly reads printed and digital text aloud; newspapers, books, restaurant menus, signs, product labels, computer and smartphone screens. The instant face recognition improves social situations and the identification of consumer products, colors and money notes provides a refreshing level of independence.


OrCam’s Australian distributor, Quantum RLV’s Rob Drummond said “About one in seven Australians has some evidence of age related macular degeneration and this number will increase as Australia’s population ages in the absence of effective prevention and treatment measures. Our mission is to empower people who are blind, partially sighted and have reading difficulties, including dyslexia and other conditions, to study, work, and live their lives with a high degree of independence.” continued Mr. Drummond


Sybil is an early adopter of technology and is very active delivering lectures and writing academic articles with the help or OrCam 2.0, which she has been using for three years


Sybil comments “OrCam MyEye helps me retain my independence. I don’t have time waiting around until someone can read things for me. I just do it myself in the timeframe that suits me.”


Hear from Sybil herself