Don road tests Vision Buddy

Don sitting on his back verandah holding the Vision Buddy

 In our last edition, we introduced Vision Buddy. The comfortable headset device is designed for those with vision impairment to watch TV, movies, enhance computer activities, read paper mail and magazines, and participate in pastimes like bridge and bingo.

Now we have the opportunity to hear from Don Hargreaves, who is a legally blind great grandfather, about his experience with Vision Buddy.

Don who lives in North Queensland has zero vision in his right eye and partial vision in his left. Don was a computer programmer during his working life.

Don purchased Vision Buddy prerelease, after lots of research. He uses OrCam MyEye, a ClearReader, is quite tech minded and capable of using all these devices to their maximum potential.

He was able to set up Vision Buddy in less than half an hour, with the help of his wife and son in-law, finding the instructions easy to follow.

Don sitting on his back verandah wearing the Vision Buddy

After many year of not being able to view television, Don watched for 3 hours and in his words it was ‘like sitting in a cinema’. His wife is even more thrilled with Vision Buddy because she no longer has to provide a running commentary or description of what’s happening on
the TV.

Don didn’t find it useful for computer activity, mainly because he uses a magnification/reader software which works well for him.

Don’s aged care provider Carinity will reimburse the cost of the Vision Buddy device from his Home Care Package (HCP) funds.

He’s absolutely thrilled with his purchase: he can now identify faces on television but more importantly he can now see faces of his grandchildren in photos. After less than successful attempts at trying other devices, Don gives Vision Buddy a hearty thumbs up.

Learn more about the Vision Buddy