Challenging times

Challenging times…we’re here to help

woman holding head in her hands

In these uncertain times, when we’re being constantly challenged by the ever changing environment,  it’s good to know that you can rely on being able to choose the correct low vision aids to help you remain independent.


There is no need for you to remain isolated in your own home, when all you need to do is pick up the phone. One of our Consultants will be able to guide you through the optons to best suit your needs.


At Quantum, we’re available to work through the issues you may be having in reading your newspaper, your mail or the instructions on food or medication packets.


We have always been successful in offering tele service for our customers’ requirements.


We have been able to assist people everywhere. For example we’ve helped people with their craft work in Lightning Ridge, reading newspapers and work documents near Broome, use computers all around Australia, all from our offices using telehealth practice.


Our first service delivery model preference, in order to adhere to government guidleines, is to provide ‘telehealth’. If video is available we are able to demonstrate products so you may be able to see how they are used. Once you are happy with the product we’ve discussed, we send it to you and arrange for another call to ensure the product is working the way you expect.


If you believe your situation is urgent or critical, and would prefer a personal meeting, we are open for business and will require a few risk questions to be answered to ensure we manage everyone’s safety. We have our offices suitably marked for social distancing, but if we need to meet in your home we provide hand sanitiser and face masks. We also ensure that all surfaces and products are cleaned prior to and after each visit.


Please give us a call and discuss your requirements on 1300 883 853.